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Throughout our journey we encounter and study numerous sources, organizations, studies and much more. This is a collection of resources we find interesting, inspiring or simply supporing the cause as evidence.

Erwin Thoma: How the wisdom of trees empowers our lives

Erwin Thoma | Youtube

“A tree is an inexhaustible source of wonderful  knowledge.”  Yehudi Menuhin


Erwin Thoma is convinced: “We should rediscover our lost connection to life. We can learn from nature how to survive crises. Only cooperation leads to the goal. The truly successful people in the forest system are those who work best together. As soon as the tree has secured its existence, it completely changes its social behavior, namely it stops competition and uses its energy for the benefit of the entire system.”


The Youtube video supports subtitles in different languages.


How much does a hectare of rainforest cost?

Article by Ernesto Moeri, a Swiss entrepreneur and geologist who lived in Brazil for decades



"It is generally accepted that the rainforest stores around 200 to 300 tons of carbon (C) per hectare (100 by 100 meters), most of which is released as carbon dioxide (CO2 ) when destroyed.

This means that if one hectare is cleared by fire, an estimated 1,000 or more tonnes of CO2 are released directly into the atmosphere.

In any case, Moeri sees protecting the rainforest as the silver bullet for the climate: “If rainforest deforestation were stopped worldwide, it would have roughly the same effect as if all car, air and ship traffic were stopped overnight. Except that protecting the rainforest doesn’t harm anyone – on the contrary.”


How trees could help to save the climate*

ETH Zürich | Science Magazine

Around 0.9 billion hectares of land worldwide would be suitable for reforestation, which could ultimately capture two thirds of human-​made carbon emissions. The Crowther Lab of ETH Zurich has published a study in the journal Science that shows this can be a powerful tool for drawing carbon from the atmosphere.


Colosos de la Tierra - Giant Trees

It is an annual contest that originated in Paraguay, with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the importance of preserving native forests and respect for trees.


In 2023, the record number of 1,050 trees registered from all the departments of the country was reached.


Find a list of giant trees with pictures and description of these giants.


Structural analysis of a forest in the Alto Paraná Ecoregion, Paraguay

Research paper by the National University of Asunción
Faculty of Agrarian Sciences.
San Lorenzo, Paraguay



"The Upper Parana Atlantic Forest is among the most diverse on the planet, not only characterized by its biodiversity but also by its high level of endemic species;


Deforestation in the tropics today continues inexorably with serious implications for biodiversity conservation, climate regulation and ecosystem services. The rapid expansion of the agricultural frontier, livestock farming, and illegal logging have turned the last remnants of tropical forest in the world into isolated patches that endanger their continuity.


The Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world, with only 9% of the original forest cover remaining in Paraguay, mostly in a highly fragmented and degraded state."


Founder: Silvia Hagen

Haldenstrasse 3

CH-8124 Maur


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